Welcome to Area 16 of the Aston Martin Owners Club
Sussex is a large county on the south coast of Britain covering an approximate area of 1461 sq miles.
The landscape is diverse with areas of outstanding natural beauty, national parks, sites of specific scientific interest and stunning coastal areas.
Our roads are perfect for Astons to enjoy ranging from motorway to quiet country roads twisting their way through beautiful countryside and small villages steeped in history.
As an area we have a very active membership with people from all walks of life. They are all friendly, love the marque and as with all Aston drivers will help and support one another.
Our activities as a club are as wide and diverse as the landscape ranging from our regular monthly club meetings, in different Pubs & Locations throughout the county, to car shows.
All new and existing members are always given a warm welcome so feel free to join us at any time.
Supported by our team of assistant reps, Mick, Samantha, Simon, Mike and Chris.
Gary Wigzell
Area 16 Rep
You can contact us direct by E Mail: area16@amoc.org