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ABFM 2024 - VanDusen Gardens, Vancouver
About this event
Registration for ABFM is required using the Western Driver web site (link below)
Western Driver ABFM 2024
Cost to enter your vehicle for the 2024 ABFM is $38.
There are two classifications for Aston Martin cars :
- Class 01: Aston Martin (Post-War to 1990)
- Class 02: Aston Martin (1991 to present)
There are a total of 62 classes and every British Car is invited. With a limited capacity of 500 cars, this event fills up pre-register if you can.
Every year, for the past 36 years, the Vancouver ABFM organizers have been inspired by the sight of so many enthusiasts who faithfully make the time and effort to enter and display their classic British cars and bikes on the lawns of the magnificent VanDusen Botanical Garden.
The 2024 Show will increase the variety of Food Truck vendors to six stations in addition to high-tea service in the onfield Carriage Trade Tea House. In addition to musical entertainment by the show’s resident Little Mountain Brass Band, pop group Definitely Not The Beatles (DNTB), with frontman and collector car enthusiast Randy Cunningham, aka John Lennon, will take the stage to rev up the Sixties vibe and entertain the lunchtime crowds. For a fun time, 1960s and ‘70s period dress will be encouraged, with prizes awarded by the band.
Canada West Events
Registration Info
Registration is not available online - contact the event coordinator
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