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Area 11 - Joining Area 12 at Hatfield House Aston Martin Display
About this event
Date: Sunday 14th April 2024
Venue: Hatfield House, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts. (Note: for vehicle exhibitors access is by the Station Lodge Entrance on Great North Road, Post Code AL9 5AE).
Event Details: Following the success of last year’s event, we have been invited back by Hatfield Park to put on a static display of Aston Martins on Sunday 14th April 2024. The display will again be located around the feature fountain in the in the courtyard in front of Hatfield House and along the main drive to the House. The event is open to any AMOC members who wish to attend.
Timings: The event is advertised by Hatfield Park to run from 11:00. Vehicle exhibitors should arrive between 10:00 and 10:30 to give us time to set up and parked by 11:00. The event is scheduled to finish at 14:00, however exhibitors can stay until the Park closes at 17:00, although the last entry to the Park for visitors 16:00
Price: Vehicle exhibitors arriving via the Station Lodge entrance will receive a complimentary pass to the Park and Gardens. For guests who are not exhibiting a vehicle, they should enter by the usual Park entrance (post code AL9 5HX) and the usual Park and Gardens entry charge of £12 will apply and is payable on entry.
Hatfield House is currently closed to the public, however it may be possible for us to have a private tour of the House for us, although I will not know whether this will happen until nearer the day. Please note that if we are able to have a tour of the House, for logistical reasons there may have to be a limit to the number of people on the tour, in which case it will be on a first come, first served basis.
If you would like to attend this event, please email me at to confirm.
Simon Newton Area Rep. for AMOC Area 12
Hatfield House, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts. (vehicle exhibitors access is Station Lodge Entry
Hatfield House, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts.
Hatfield AL9 5AE
Event Contact(s)
Area 12 Rep Simon Newton
Leigh M Arnold
Registration Info
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