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Area 22 The May Meander

About this event

The May Meander

Thursday 16 May

The May event was to have been held onboard Negus, the Boeing 747 parked at Cotswold Airport. We could not make this work so instead I propose we go for a “meander”.

The dictionary defines a meander as “following a winding course. It can refer to a river or road curving through a landscape. It can also describe someone walking or moving in a leisurely or aimless way”. I am sure we can fit into that definition and meander our way through parts of Wales.

We will start at the Tobery Carvey at Higham (GL2 8DE) at 1000 (after the commuter rush). This is always a good place to start… easy to get to and breakfast is available. From there it is into Wales, pass north of Hereford and on to Hay-on-Wye. With its large car park and selection of pubs and eating places it is an excellent place to pause. We were there last year and the rain was biblical! From Hay, south to Brecon and Talybont-on-Usk where we find the White Hart Inn (LD3 7JD). Continuing south following the River Usk on a brilliant road we come to the Piercefield at St Arvans (NP16 6EJ) and the end of the meander. 114 miles of nice driving roads and as the definition says, “curving through a landscape in an aimless way”.


If you want to meander, let me know at


Date and Time

Thursday, May 16, 2024, 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM GMT Time (UTC+00:00)


Area 22 Events

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