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HomeEventsArea 5 - Evening Meal and DB5 Talk by Mr Andy Chapman

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Area 5 - Evening Meal and DB5 Talk by Mr Andy Chapman

About this event

Area 5 is excited to welcome back Mr. Andy Chapman following his highly successful talk on the DB4 in 2024. This year, he will be providing us with an exclusive insight into the iconic Aston Martin DB5. The event will take place at the Strawberry Cabin in Tamworth who are generously opening its doors specifically for us to host this special evening.

Date and Time

Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6:30 PM until 9:30 PM


The Strawberry Cabin
The Strawberry Cabin
Manor Farm, Watling Street, Hints
Tamworth  B78 3DF

Event Contact(s)

Russell Prestidge


Area 05 Events

Registration Info

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