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Classified Ads

Our Classified Ads section is a space to view and place adverts tailored to Aston Martin owners and enthusiasts.

To v
iew the adverts, please click the button "Classified Ads" below (bottom of this page).

To place an advert:

Members can place classified adverts free of charge.
To do so, please log on to the website with your user name and password, and go to your Profile (top right corner of the page).
In "Your Profile" there is a section "Your Website Functions", where you can add your advertisement ("Classified Ads"). For further guidance, please see the Step Guide for  Classified Adverts on the Members' document page (also accessible via your Profile).

Non-Members can advertise on our website for a fee of £40 per classified advert. 
To submit your advert, please enter your text here: non-member classified advertising

For more information, please see our Advertising Policy.

Any questions? Please contact us