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Area 22 May 2024 Meeting

Area 22 Rep Andrew Mitchell | Published on 5/3/2024

Area 22 May Meeting

2 May

The Area 22 May meeting was held at The Royal Oak, Leighterton. After putting the world to rights and catching up on the gossip, 21 members and friends sat down for an excellent dinner. Paul brought his brand new, out of the box DB12 Volante. We all look forward to hearing more about how it performs in the real world. I described the May Meander, the next event to be held on 16 May, extolling the virtues of a drive into Wales! We discussed the Drive for Rory event on 20 August and how important it was to reach our target of £3600 to fund his treatment. There was an open discussion on the three streams through which I communicate Area 22 news and events, the AMOC website, e-mail and Facebook. I shall put more emphasis on the AMOC website, but the other two will continue albeit reduced in content.

On other business I gave an overview of the results of the AMOC Events Sub-Committee questionnaire which went out in November 2023. Going out to 6,670 members worldwide, the response was 7.2%. Apparently, this is “satisfactory”.

Rory, as you can see, is excited by Astons and wants his Dad to buy one!
As usual, a good meeting enjoyed by all. 

Rory for May Meeting