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June 2024 Central Alberta Cruise

Canada West Assistant Rep Jim Thompson | Published on 6/1/2024
On Saturday June 1st we assembled a small but enthusiastic group of AMOC members at a local brewery / coffee roastery, Darkwoods Brewing, in Central Alberta.  After some catch up and introductions, we were treated to a tour of the facility, before heading north on a secondary highway with little traffic. 

The group decided to stop in Sylvan Lake at a popular exotic car dealer for a quick break and to check out what was in stock before proceeding north towards Gull Lake and Meridian Beach.  There, local member Steve Murray surprised all of us by lining the streets to his community with Aston signs and having an amazing buffet of food available for us – what a treat. 

The surprises weren’t done yet as he had prepared very generous mementos for everyone to take home!  An amazing host, and an amazing day of driving and conversation was thoroughly enjoyed by all.