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Area 22 Astons in the Orchard

Area 22 Rep Andrew Mitchell | Published on 6/24/2024

Astons in the Orchard

Sunday 23 June 2024

When you repeat an event you wonder if it will be as good as last time. It was, and better. The Orchard at Willersley Barn once again echoed to the sound of Aston Martin exhausts as over forty cars were carefully manoeuvred into position as determined by our host, Phil. Starting with a 1930s display lead by Tom in Hedgehog at the entrance gate, the display went through the ages, all decades of AMs being represented right up to the present day, although we were short of a DB12!

This was a joint meeting with Area 5, and we welcomed many friends from across the county line! A total of ninety had been expected but even accounting for no shows, seventy members and “other halfs” pulled out an array of picnic tables, chairs, ice buckets and vases of flowers and set them selves up in the shade of the trees. The champagne corks were soon popping to wash down a huge variety of sophisticated picnic fare. As usual the conversation was wide ranging solving every issue from engine modifications to the Middle East. The sky cleared during the afternoon and the sun beamed down on the assembled crowd and lines of cars under the trees.

New this year was a presentation from the Pre-War contingent on the history of the 1930s Aston Martins lead by Tom Wood. It was also competition time, champagne being awarded to Karen and Stuart B for the “most extravagant picnic setup”, Ronnie F for the “most desirable Aston” and Sharron F, the most desirable non-Aston” being her 1960s Chevrolet Corvette.

By late afternoon, the crack of exhausts was wakening the wildlife and the procession of cars creeping out of the Orchard began. Another great AMOC afternoon, thank you Phil and Helen for the loan of your orchard.

Of course, there was a serious side to the day and that was raising funds for The Alzheimer’s Society which, for family reasons, Helen and Phil are ongoing supporters. During the afternoon we raised £800. If you did not get round to contributing your £10 per person, you may do so through the Area 22 bank account, please contact me for details.

We hope to return in 2025!

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Astons in the Orchard 3

Astons in the Orchard 4