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Area 22 2024 July Calendar

Area 22 Rep Andrew Mitchell | Published on 7/1/2024

Area 22 July Calendar

Halfway to Christmas… exciting or what!

As we launch into July I would just like to mention the last two events of June. Saturday 29 June was the AMOC EGM and despite all the publicity only 16 members were in the room and only 2% of the membership submitted proxy votes. Sunday was an invitation to visit Aston Installations in Tewksbury. Always a popular event, more than 50 cars parked up in the sunshine to enjoy the gossip and bacon sandwiches.

And so into July. The monthly meeting is a pizza evening at the Feathered Nest, Nether Westcote together with our friends from Area 10. At the moment we have 20 cars attending so it should be a good show. If you would like to come, let me know at

There is no specific Area 22 event in July as the calendar is full of local and national events for you to enjoy. I would highlight Wheels at Prescott on Thursday 25 August which is focused on Aston Martin. More information on their website.

The August monthly meeting is at the Frogmill where we will discuss the future of Area 22.  Saturday 3 August is our visit to Avro Vulcan XM655 at Wellesbourne. This event is limited to 12 cars and we have 9 booked to date. Please let me know as soon as possible if you want to take a trip into the Cold War of the 60’s. Have a look at The History of XM655 | XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society. I will send out details to those going nearer the time.

Tuesday 20 August is a very important date and the Drive for Rory event. Rory, and others like him, need our help. I have explained the story of Rory on the website under Area 22 Drives for Rory - Aston Martin Owners Club ( Details of the event are on the website under Area 22 Summer Drive for Rory - Events - Aston Martin Owners Club (,   Against our target of £3600 we have raised £700 to date so we have some way to go.

September brings us to the Area 22 Expedition to Picardy and the Champagne Region. For those going there is a briefing meeting on Tuesday 16 July at 1900 in the Northleach Wine Bar.

Details of all events are on the website under Area 22 - Gloucestershire - Aston Martin Owners Club ( If you want to come along to any of the events let me know at Chris and I hope to see you at as many events as you can manage.