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Area 22 October Calendar 2024

Area 22 Rep Andrew Mitchell | Published on 10/1/2024

The calendar is shortening like the days as we launch into October. The sun has crossed the equator to the Amazon River and our garden birds, suffering from “migratory restlessness” are following it. Not to be outdone, but not attributed to restlessness, Area 22 is migrating to its new “management team”. During October Chris will hand over his responsibilities to Mike Parsons, I will devolve Events to Ray Wilkins and Nicky D will take over Administration and Finance to no doubt start immediately putting my spreadsheets in order.

Mike Parsons  

Ray Wilkins     

As I said back in June, “many hands make light work” and this is our goal. Could I just mention that during the “migration” things might not just work as planned.. patience please!

So, what is happening on Planet 22?

The monthly meeting Thursday 3 October is back at the Frogmill Inn. We were to have a presentation by David Evans, a young entrepreneur but as we have been moved from our usual room, I have had to postpone this.

Sunday 6 October brings the annual return to Five Zeros Supercar Barn for the AMOC Southwest Areas Show Off. This a great venue and there is still time to register on the website if you are thinking of going. Southwest Areas Show Off - Events - Aston Martin Owners Club (

Looking ahead to November we have the visit to CLASS Class - Classic & Luxury Auto Specialist Services in Gloucester, England on Tuesday 12 November who provide what it says on the tin! We are hosted by Paul Mount, an Area 22 member whom many of you will know. Details are on the website and contact if you want to come along.

Following that on Saturday 23 November we have the last event of the year, Cotswold Navigation Capers which will be a continuation of the “Rory Story”. A fun event to which you can bring any car as most AMs will have gone to bed by this time. See the details on the website and how we can further support CALM and Rory who many of us met in the summer.  

12 December brings us the last meeting, the Winter Gathering at the Frogmill Inn. Generally following the format of last year but with some changes, you are encouraged to book now with a small non-returnable deposit payable. See the website for details or contact Mike on

So that is the programme to the end of the year. Look out for emails from your new team. And once again .. thank you Chris for your hard work over the last three years.