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Area 4 - Xmas Lunch 2018

Area Rep | Published on 1/3/2019

One could be forgiven for thinking these photographs look like previous year's reports for the Area 4 Christmas Lunch. With the exception of a few face changes each year, the format, venue and atmosphere remain the same. The menu at the Carpenter's Arms changes too, but turkey, etc. remains the most popular choice... there's a surprise!

L-R: Roger McCouat, John Hazzard (standing) and Bernie Graham. Roger might look like he's nodded off but he was talking to wife Jane out of shot, honest.

Chief hat and tie providers Viv & Mike Haynes display the back view of some of their festive apparel with James Thorburn and Rick Cullen paying attention

Everyone was too engaged in festive conversation to notice the camera pointing their way

Another thing that's reliably constant is the great food and service from the Carps. Thank you all concerned.

2018 saw Mike Jones receive the Area Rep's Award for putting in lots of effort, not only to attend events, but also to deputise for me when I was away. His premier achievement was having an article he researched and penned published in AMHT's 'Aston 20' that dropped through letter boxes in December. Well done Mike!

Roger proudly models the AMR cap kindly provided by Pit-Lane Racing (Rick Cullen)

Another 'well done' goes to Roger McCouat who correctly predicted the sequence of coin tosses to win an AMR cap kindly donated by Pit-Lane Racing (Area 4 member Rick Cullen's new business venture that provides racing apparel and associated goodies).

The cap competition raised £68 for Roger's chosen charity, Parkinsons UK

Although unable to be with us this year, John Simcock (left), popped along for a quick chat with John Hazzard as Jo Thorburn (right) accommodates our latest Area 4 member, son Oliver (6 months)

Thank you too to members who supported this event (and many other events throughout 2018).

By popular request, we're already booked-in at the same venue for Christmas 2019!