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Area 23 November Breakfast Meet

Area 23 Assistant Rep Stig Adeler | Published on 11/10/2023
Diary Dates

Saturday, 2nd December _ Christmas party, Greenhills Country House Hotel, St Peter, Jersey.

News: The last Area 23 breakfast meeting of 2023 saw 20 of us tuck into a variety of breakfast specials from Ransoms tearoom.  Sadly only two Astons, a DB7 and 4.7 Vantage braved the elements after storm Ciaran left its devastating footprint on the Islands, thankfully none of us were affected too badly by Jersey's first tornado in 70 years.
Interesting conversations were had by all with what was our largest turnout of the year, let’s see if we can maintain this enthusiastic gathering well into 2024.

Coming up soon: With the festive season fast approaching our next meeting is our Christmas party at Greenhills Country Hotel. If you are attending don’t forget to get your menu choices to us as soon as possible, no later than Monday 20th November. The menu and the wine list is available on 'Upcoming Events"

Thank you to everyone who’s supported our club throughout the year, If we don't see you at the Greenhills we look forward to seeing you all on the 2nd of March for our first breakfast of the year, details to follow.

Pre festive Cheers
Edward & Stig
