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Canada West 2023 Christmas Luncheon

Canada West Assistant Rep Tim Symons | Published on 12/19/2023

While most of our cars are sleeping over the winter months, the Members of AMOC Canada West have a tradition of getting together for a Christmas Luncheon. The daily drivers are the usual mode of transport in winter.  This year the group chose a new venue, Season’s Restaurant in Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver.  Normally the restaurant affords a nice view of the city and the mountains.  However, on this day, there was a December fog and it was impossible to see the edge of the park.

John Armitage

Nevertheless, 28 members of the section showed up for the luncheon.  It was a special moment, as Area Representative John Armitage was stepping down after 5 years of service to the Section.

A special thank-you gift was organized by the Assistant Reps Tim Symons, Wyman Lee, Jim Thompson and incoming Area Representative, David Thomas.  Tim happened to remember that Bowmore, the scotch-maker, has special editions of vintage whiskies co-branded with Aston Martin.

The 15-year vintage featuring a DB4 on the box was procured and gifted to John at the luncheon with the thanks of all the AMOC members he has served.


David Thomas presents gift to John Armitage

David Thomas presents John Armitage with a bottle of special edition Aston Martin 15 year Bowmore Whiskey

Christmas 2023 - Seasons In the Park

Please excuse the distortion and stretched image resulting from the panoramic photo!

For more photos of the Christmas Luncheon please click on this button
Canada West - 2023 Christmas Luncheon