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Area 18 at Celtic Manor

Area 18 Rep | Published on 4/18/2022
It's been a while since the last Area 18 monthly meeting and so it seemed appropriate to take a few photos and post them on the Club website.

Celtic Manor Resort Hotel was the venue organised by Area Rep (Designate), Andy Webber. Not only did he organise reserved space inside (at no cost to the Club) but also a couple of parking spaces outside... a rare treat at Celtic Manor. The two 'Spy' cars were invited to avail themselves... gratefully received!

Area 18

Area 18

We also adorned the hotel reception (and the reserved 'Library' area) with suitable branding:

Area 18

And of course welcomed some members for an evening of informal chat:

Area 18
L-R: Back Row - Steve Cottrell, Frazer King, Jan & Paul Gerring. Front Row: Andrew Fawkes (acting Area Rep), Gillian Fawkes, Natasha King, Heather & Andy Webber (Area Rep designate).

Paul and Andrew's cars were parked outside whilst Andy and Frazer's Rapides each glorified the underground car park. Steve's Virage and DB9 will be appearing at some future events.