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Social - Drive it Day - 23 April 2023

Christine Howson | Published on 1/15/2023
Area 13 Beaulieu Simply Aston Martin 2016

Drive it Day - 23 April 2023

National Event

National Drive it Day was created by the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs in 2005. It is the occasion when historic vehicle enthusiasts and the public at large have the opportunity to celebrate the One Thousand Mile Trial organised in 1900 to prove the viability of the new invention - the motor car!. It's also a chance to raise awareness and support amongst the public for the historic vehicle movement and keeping transport heritage on UK roads.

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs includes plenty of these events on its website. If you plan to take part in any, be sure to buy the FBHVC's commemorative Drive it Day plate to show your participation and help raise funds for the NSPCC.

This could be a great way to get together with friends and fellow Members to celebrate the pleasure of motoring and support a great charity.

For full details, please visit the FBHVC's website and Drive It Day information.

Drive it Day